Sunday, December 28, 2008

Can You Prevent Cholesterol From Affecting The Quality Of Your Life?

In the pages of lifestyle magazines, cholesterol is often portrayed as a potential demon ruthlessly affecting the quality of your life. The rises in the cardio vascular diseases have made people aware of the harmful effects of cholesterol. But not many people are aware of the fact that cholesterol can both be good and bad.

Good and Bad Cholesterol

Is Cholesterol Good! Yes of course; this soft, waxy substance found in the lipid fats of the bloodstream and in all your body's cells is an essential part of a healthy body; it helps in manufacturing cell membranes and in the production of some types of hormones.

So when does this apparently helpful substance actually pose a threat to your health? When the level of the cholesterol is too high in the blood — a condition known as hypercholesterolemia — it becomes a risk factor for your heart health. A high level of cholesterol in your body is the precursor for the coronary heart disease that ultimately culminates into heart attack.

Types of cholesterol

Depending on the types of lipoprotein--- special carriers that help cholesterols to be transported to and from the cells---the cholesterol can be of two major types:
  • Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol

  • High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol
  • HDL

    HDL cholesterol is regarded as the good variety, while the LDL acts as the chief villain. HDL is good because it drives cholesterol away from the arteries and transports them back to the liver which helps it eliminate from the body. In a nutshell a high level of HDL cholesterol acts as a shield against heart attack. So be careful if you find HDL level in your blood is less than 40 mg/dL. (In case of women the amount is 50 mg/dL).


    When the level of LDL cholesterol is too high in your blood, it ends in being accumulated in the walls of the arteries carrying blood to two important organs - the heart and brain. The net result is clogging of those arteries by hard plaques made of cholesterol and other substances. This condition is known as atherosclerosis. When the plaque tends to block blood flow to your heart, the result is a heart attack. When the clog disrupts blood flow to the brain, a stroke is the final outcome.

    Dealing with Cholesterol
  • A regular cholesterol checking will ensure that you never face these consequences. So go for a cholesterol check right away and if you happen to find the level of LDL cholesterol is 160 mg/dL or above, there are enough reason to raise alarm. Make sure that LDL cholesterol level in your blood never exceeds the mark of 100 mg/dL.

  • Cholesterol is produced in our own body. The additional source of cholesterol is the foods rich in both saturated fat and Trans fat. For a cholesterol free life, restrict your cholesterol intake to 300 milligrams per day.

  • Also shake off the sedentary lifestyle and make physical activity a compulsory part of your daily routine.

  • Try to give up smoking and cut back on alcohol consumption.
  • Most of the people fall prey of the harmful effects of cholesterol because of their lack of awareness. But now that you know the basic facts about cholesterol, don’t let this menace mess with your life. Take necessary precautions and enjoy your life to the fullest.

    Ezinearticle expert - bio listed below********************************

    Tania Penwell provides information on cholesterol and other health topics for Health Savvy - your guide to health news and information.


    See below - To learn how you can reduce your cholesterol

    Cholesterol lowering tips:

    Lower your cholesterol naturally with this product:

    Feel great in 8 - Take the Cholesterol Challenge!

    Buy Cholesterol Reducer - Lowest Price - $39.95!

    Wednesday, December 24, 2008

    Macular Degeneration - Eye Health!

    Vision problems due to the onset of macular degeneration are quite prevalent, especially in the elderly. Macular degeneration occurs when the macula, located in the central portion of the retina in the eye, becomes weakened or damaged. The result is a loss of central vision. Central vision is used to read and drive, so it is crucial to save as much of a patient's vision as possible as soon as possible. Although this medical condition has no cure at this time, there are some promising new macular degeneration treatments that have shown to alleviate and slow down some of the symptoms of age-related macular degeneration.

    There is a range of vision loss that can occur depending on the severity and type of age-related macular degeneration a patient has. Because it affects the macula located in the center of the retina, a patient's peripheral vision is usually not adversely affected by the condition. With the onset of the condition, a patient's vision might still be quite good, but the situation can worsen over time. There are two different types of age-related macular degeneration that often result in the greatest loss of central vision, and they are called wet and dry. The dry form of advanced macular degeneration is caused by the reduction of the rods and cones located in the retina, while wet advanced macular degeneration occurs due to leakage of excessive blood vessels and the resulting scarring under the macula.

    One thing that retinal specialists might tell their patients with macular degeneration is to take certain vitamins as part of a spectrum of macular degeneration treatments. Patients in the initial onset stages of this condition sometimes benefit from taking vitamins C, E, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin and eating foods that are high in beta-carotenes, such as dark green leafy vegetables, corn and peas.

    Ezine author bio listed below*******************************************

    Susan Slobac has had a parent diagnosed with macular degeneration. She has had experience in macular degeneration treatment. In this article, she discusses macular degeneration risk factors.

    Eye Health + is the only complete choice for Eye Health Care and Prevention! When compared with other Eye Care Products on the market today, Eye Health+ is the clear solution to better eye health!

    For Eye Health See below: or

    Nutrient Content:

    Questions or want to purchase Eye Health+ .... There are several ways to order!

    Just call me, (Darlene) at 502-363-0101
    and I'll see that you get the lowest possible price, just $39.95 per bottle.

    Or call Eniva directly at 1-866-999-9191.
    Be sure to give your Enroller as Darlene Tabler ID #226552

    Check out our wholesale buyers club - for lifelong discounts!

    Saturday, December 6, 2008

    Vibe's Immune System Formula!

    Nutritional deficiency and a weakened immune system are two critical factors that accelerate the aging process in your body. SoluMax® is a comprehensive blend of essential minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients that provide you a superior nutritional foundation to help combat the effects of nutritional deficiency. In addition, the SoluMax blend also helps promote strong functioning of your immune system to address unwanted effects from viruses, yeast, bacteria, and even the common cold.* The ingredients in the SoluMax blend were specifically chosen for their ability to help you overcome nutritional deficiency*. They work to assist healthy functioning of your immune system for complete body vitality and strength.*
    • Promotes overall body balance*
    • Nourishes a healthy immune system*
    • Cleanses vital organs and supports adrenal function*
    • Nourishes lean muscle mass*
    • Provides key nutrients needed for cellular cofactors*

    Selenium may reduce the risk of certain cancers.**

    **Some scientific evidence suggests that consumption of selenium may reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer. However, FDA has determined that this evidence is limited and not conclusive.

    Solumax is just one of 4 formula's in Vibe's All in One Liquid Vitamin/Mineral!

    To learn about Vibe & begin your journey to health click here!

    Have questions or want to purchase Vibe? Just call me, (Darlene) at 502-363-0101
    and I'll see that you get Vibe at the lowest possible price, just $39.95 per bottle.

    Vibe's Antiaging Formula!

    We are continually replacing cells in the organs and tissues of our body. But if this is true, why is it that we often don’t look or feel as good as we did when we were young?

    STRESS! Internal and external stress!

    Stress can be caused by toxic overload (chemicals in personal care products, cigarette smoke, food ingredients, etc.) sleep deprivation, over exertion and poor diets. When this occurs FREE RADICALS are generated which can cause accelerated aging, can destroy cell membranes, disrupt the systems of the body and even reprogram DNA.

    We need ANTIOXIDANTS to come to our rescue!

    ANTIOXIDANTS protect our bodies from harmful free radical scavengers.

    Antioxidants make free radicals harmless and neutralize their damaging effects. Vibe’s Antiox blend is a comprehensive formula of multiple antioxidant-rich nutrients. It has the highest certified antioxidant potency of any supplement in liquid formulation. Vibe’s ANTIOX2 helps the body neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals to effectively combat the aging process.*

    • Powerful antioxidant strength*
    • Supports the health of cellular DNA*
    • Helps the body counteract dangerous free radicals responsible for aging*
    • Supports mental clarity and well being*
    • Promotes vital energy and stamina*

    Some scientific evidence suggests that consumption of antioxidant vitamins may reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer.**

    Antiox2 Blend is just one of the 4 formula's present in Vibe, the all in one liquid formula!

    To learn about Vibe & begin your journey to health click here!

    Have questions or want to purchase Vibe? Just call me, (Darlene) at 502-363-0101
    and I'll see that you get Vibe at the lowest possible price, just $39.95 per bottle.

    Vibe's Heart Healthy Formula!

    We are continually replacing cells in the organs and tissues of our body. But if this is true, why is it that we often don’t look or feel as good as we did when we were young?

    STRESS! Internal and external stress!

    Stress can be caused by toxic overload (chemicals in personal care products, cigarette smoke, food ingredients, etc.) sleep deprivation, over exertion and poor diets. When this occurs FREE RADICALS are generated which can cause accelerated aging, can destroy cell membranes, disrupt the systems of the body and even reprogram DNA.

    We need ANTIOXIDANTS to come to our rescue!

    ANTIOXIDANTS protect our bodies from harmful free radical scavengers.

    Antioxidants make free radicals harmless and neutralize their damaging effects. Vibe’s Antiox blend is a comprehensive formula of multiple antioxidant-rich nutrients. It has the highest certified antioxidant potency of any supplement in liquid formulation. Vibe’s ANTIOX2 helps the body neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals to effectively combat the aging process.*

    • Powerful antioxidant strength*
    • Supports the health of cellular DNA*
    • Helps the body counteract dangerous free radicals responsible for aging*
    • Supports mental clarity and well being*
    • Promotes vital energy and stamina*

    Some scientific evidence suggests that consumption of antioxidant vitamins may reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer.**

    Antiox2 Blend is just one of the 4 formula's present in Vibe, the all in one liquid formula!

    To learn about Vibe & begin your journey to health click here!

    Have questions or want to purchase Vibe? Just call me, (Darlene) at 502-363-0101
    and I'll see that you get Vibe at the lowest possible price, just $39.95 per bottle.

    Vibe's Cellular Health & Collagen Formula!

    Healthy Skin, Collagen & Cells!

    When you look at someone's glowing skin, vibrant hair, and strong nails, what you are really admiring is the health of a substance in their body called collagen. Collagen is a critical component of your skin, and is also found in cartilage, bone, and other connective tissues. It is a fibrous protein compound which creates a protective, armor-like matrix in the body. Healthy collagen is extremely important. Once connective tissues begin to age and disintegrate, your skin loses its elasticity and begins to sag, tendons deteriorate, AND your protective internal matrix of collagen begins to fail. This ultimately allows infectious cells to invade your healthy tissues. CollaMax® is a blend of specific collagen-building and strengthening nutrients to help promote youthful appearance and internal structural integrity.*

    • Promotes healthy and strong collagen, skin and cartilage*
    • Supports healthy and normal cellular replication*
    • Promotes healthy bone and joint integrity*
    • Nourishes healthy skin and hair*
    • Nutritionally supports healthy blood vessels*

    Research studies have confirmed the antioxidant properties of Green Tea and Vitamin C may help guard against many kinds of cellular damage.***

    CollaMax is just one of 4 formula's in Vibe's All in One Liquid Vitamin!

    To learn about Vibe & begin your journey to health click here!

    Have questions or want to purchase Vibe? Just call me, (Darlene) at 502-363-0101
    and I'll see that you get Vibe at the lowest possible price, just $39.95 per bottle.

    Monday, December 1, 2008

    Vitamins and Minerals! Do We Really Need To Supplement?

    We believe the answer is a resounding, YES!

    A study from the American Medical Association shows that vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the American population could be a factor in many chronic diseases. Even our government has stated, that due to soil depletion, our fruits and vegetables are lacking in sufficient levels of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, all adults should take a vitamin and mineral supplement.

    Many doctors and nutritional health experts have made the statement that all vitamins are not created equal. There are many inexpensive vitamins on the market that are taken in one small tablet, just once a day. If you study these, you will see that the nutrient count is very small, and they are generally created using synthetic material, binders and fillers. Our bodies were not designed to break down these materials. It's pretty typical to find that you get what you pay for. Millions of dollars are spent almost daily on nutritional supplements here in the U.S. Therefore, if you're going to take the time and spend good money, it's best to try and purchase high quality products.

    We have taken the time to educate ourselves about the quality and health enhancing effects of supplementation and know how life changing it can be.

    Please, don't misunderstand. It is still very important to eat an array of colorful fruits and vegetables every day. Whole foods should be our main source of nourishment and supplements are meant to compliment them and take up the slack. This is important, because natural foods contain many different nutrients and enzymes that haven't even been discovered or recognized yet, and may very well assist in the synergistic effect and absorption rate.

    Our bodies produce thousands of free radicals every day. In addition to this onslaught, we live in a toxic environment, endure high stress, and make bad food choices. All of these take a toll on our bodies ability to thrive. Supplementation simply gives us additional nutrients to remain healthy and assists our immune system in reversing the damaging affects of modern life.

    Processed and fast food products:

    Processed food products are beautifully boxed, canned, and packaged to entice the consumer. They are at our fingertips in grocery stores, quickie marts, gas stations and just about everywhere else. These fake foods are widely promoted to appeal to our senses. And the large add campaigns make them appear to look good, smell good, taste good. We're led to believe they are safe for human consumption and we all eat them almost every day (well, almost all of us). Ever heard of the term overfed and undernourished?

    Research has proven that through the manufacturing process many vital nutrients are lost. With the addition of added ingredients to make them more palatable and have longer shelf life (Hydrogenated oils, trans-fats, monosodium glutamate/msg, sodium nitrate, aspartame, etc.), processed food can become problematic to our health.

    Fast foods

    Fast food restaurants are everywhere. Most of us eat these foods and this is okay on occasion, but many people eat the majority of their meals from fast food restaurants. If you do this long enough you're headed for ill health. Some fast food chains are adding healthier items to their menus and this will continue as we the consumers keep demanding more healthy foods, but of course that really isn't the solution to good health.

    As we stated above, eating processed and fast food can be okay on occasion. But do to the lack of quality nutrients it doesn't take long before signs of nutritional deficiencies begin to show via declining health. Eating as close to what God has provided for us is imperative. Eating good clean select meats (without hormones and antibiotics), plenty of colorful fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds will put you on the right tract for good health. Adding good quality nutritional supplements to take up the slack will certainly be additionally beneficial.

    We really don't have to spend our lives overfed and undernourished.

    To learn about Vibe & begin your journey to health click here!

    Have questions or want to purchase Vibe? Just call me, (Darlene) at 502-363-0101
    and I'll see that you get Vibe at the lowest possible price, just $39.95 per bottle.

    Friday, November 28, 2008

    The Eniva Wholesale Buyer's Club!
    Receive 20% Discount on all Products for Life!

    To Hear The Testimonials Just Click on The Links or Copy and Paste the links into your browser

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    Testimonials start at about 7 min. into the audio - the 2nd testimonial (excellent) starts at about 15 min.

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    Check back later. More testimonial calls will be added.

    If you are not already receiving wholesale pricing on your Eniva Orders, now you can by simply joining Eniva’s Wholesale Buyer’s Club!

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    5. Club Welcome Packet Includes:

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    Want to start Saving Right Away?
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    And there is NO LIMIT!

    Contact Darlene 1-502-363-0101 EST for all the details!

    Thursday, November 20, 2008

    Fish Oil/Omega 3 Fatty Acids! Important For Health!

    While health experts argue the benefits of some health supplements, the evidence continues to mount in favor of fish oil. Fish and fish oil supplements supply us with the Omega 3 fatty acids that are needed for heart and brain health. Even the American Heart Association strongly endorses the use of fish oil for cardiovascular health. Why? Because those with diets rich in Omega 3 fats are less likely to have high blood pressure or irregular heart rhythms, and are less likely to die from heart attacks or strokes.

    Omega 3 fatty acids are also beneficial for brain health. The human brain is more than sixty percent structural fat. But, the type of fat needed for the brain to function properly is Omega 3 fatty acids. According to recent research, decreasing your intake of Omega 6 fats (primarily vegetable oils) along with increasing Omega 3 fatty acids, reduces the risk of depression, aggressive behavior, attention deficit disorder, schizophrenia and lowers your risk of developing Alzheimer’s. Other current studies with Omega 3 fats have shown benefits with regards to cancer, inflammatory diseases, diabetes and other health related conditions.

    Of course we all know that there are good fats and bad fats. Any artificially produced fat, called transfats are not good for us and saturated fats should always be kept at a minimum.

    There is a type of fat called EFA’s (Essential Fatty Acids) that are not only good for you but essential for normal growth and development. Furthermore, your body can’t manufacture them, so you must get them from your diet. Essential Fatty Acids are polyunsaturated and are grouped into Omega 6 and Omega 3s.

    Although both types of Omegas are essential for health, experts agree that our diet ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids is greatly unbalanced. While our ancestor’s diets consisted of a diet ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 of about 1:1, our modern dietary habits now reflect a ratio closer to 20:1 to 50:1.

    According to Dr. Donald Rudin, author of Omega 3 Oils, fatty acids are the main structural components of every cell membrane in the body, and therefore influence every process in the cell. He concludes that a balanced intake of essential fatty acids is necessary for both healthy cell function and a sense of well-being.

    The permeability of the cell depends on the essential fatty acids. This allows nutrients into the cell and toxins to escape. When we rely on other fats to do the job required of Omegas 3 fats the structure of the membrane of each cell becomes stiff and unable to remain healthy enough to do its job.

    The primary sources of Omega 6 fats are canola, soy, corn, safflower and sunflower oil. These oils are overabundant in the typical diet, which explains our excess Omega 6 levels. Meanwhile Omega 3 fats are typically found in flaxseed oil, walnuts and fish.

    The Omega 3 fatty acids found in cold-water fish, such as tuna, salmon, trout and mackerel consists of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Omega 3’s in the form of ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) can be found in flaxseed and walnut oils, and seaweed. However, the body must convert ALA to DHA and EPA to derive the heart & brain healthy benefit. This conversion however, is often difficult for some people to make. Therefore getting your Omega 3 fat acids directly from cold water fish or fish oil supplements may be your best bet.

    Learn More about Eniva's Premium Omega 3 Fatty Acid/Efacor!

    Contact Darlene at 502-363-0101 - to purchase Efacor at the lowest price possible.
    Just $29.96 per bottle. Or go to

    Monday, November 17, 2008

    Weight Loss Tips from Eniva Vibe!

    1. One of the basics of weight loss is to eat smaller meals, more frequently during the day. Taking an ounce of VIBE is like eating a meal without all the calories. It is an ideal way to speed up your metabolism and burn extra fat!

    2. Toxins are generally stored in fat cells by the body. Unless the toxins are cleared first, the body will not give up the fat. Intestinal blockages can also deter the weight loss process. VIBE helps the body clear toxins and blockages as a way to accelerate weight loss.

    3. An ounce of VIBE will give you added energy… just what you need to muster up the enthusiasm to work out or engage in some fat-burning exercise.

    4. When you work out intensely, your body may generate free radicals – oxygen scavengers that cause premature aging. VIBE’s potent antioxidant formula is ideal for neutralizing any free radicals that may have been generated.

    5. We all know an increase in water intake will speed up weight loss. Taking an ounce of VIBE in a glass of water is a great way to hydrate your body and get the water it needs to drop pounds.

    6. People trying to lose weight complain they feel hungry all the time. VIBE provides your body all the nutrients it needs to feel satisfied longer.

    7. VIBE’s all-in-one design and great tasting formula make this product amazingly simple and convenient. No messy powders and shakes, or series of pills and tablets to juggle. And with VIBE’s ideal, single-serve packets, you can take it with you wherever you go – to work, the gym, or on your weekend road trip.

    To learn about Vibe & begin your journey to health click here!

    Have questions or want to purchase Vibe? Just call me, (Darlene) at 502-363-0101
    and I'll see that you get Vibe at the lowest possible price, just $39.95 per bottle.

    Friday, November 7, 2008

    Need Minerals? Hear From The Experts!

    "You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency." Dr. ~Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel Prizes

    "Your mineral needs are even more important than your vitamin needs since the human body cannot make minerals."
    ~Dr. Henry Schroeder, MD, Ph.D.

    "The alarming fact is that foods (fruits, vegetables and grains) now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain minerals are starving us - no matter how much of them we eat. No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the minerals he requires for perfect health because his stomach isn't big enough to hold them." 74th Congress, 2nd Session, 1936.

    "Scientific study has shown minerals are absolutely essential to life on this planet."
    ~Dr. Alexander Schouss, Ph.D.

    "It becomes clearly evident that keeping a mineral balance in every tissue, fluid, cell and organ in the human body is a key to maintaining human health."
    ~Minerals, Trace Elements, and Human Health (1999)

    “The cell is the most basic unit of life and the human body is made up of trillions of cells. Like the body as a whole, every single cell must have minerals with which to stay alive and carry out its functions. Unfortunately, foods are no longer reliable mineral sources. Most (if not all) agricultural soils have been depleted due to practices that have failed to replenish the soils after repeated planting. Population surveys also consistently find large segments of the population are deficient in one or more minerals, most often magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium, or chromium.
    ~Dr. Parris M. Kidd, Ph.D., “Speaks Out For Ionic Minerals”

    "In the absence of minerals, vitamins have no function."
    ~Dr. Mathias Rath

    Learn More about Eniva's Cell-Ready Minerals-Cran-Grapefruit!

    Contact (Darlene) at 502-363-0101
    and I'll see that you get Eniva's Cell Ready Minerals at the lowest possible price, just $33.00 per bottle.

    Wednesday, November 5, 2008

    What are Antioxidants and What do They Do?

    Antioxidants act as cell protectors, and are believed to help protect the body from free-radical damage. In order to fully understand this mechanism we would need a brief refresher course in Physiology/Chemistry 101 ... well skip that here :-).

    Just to sum it up, antioxidants help to prevent cell tissue damage that has been linked to disease and aging. They do this by donating one of their own electrons to neutralize damage to cells by free radicals. This ends the electron-stealing reaction because antioxidants themselves are stable with or without this electron.

    Eating a balanced diet and getting 5-8 servings of fruits and vegetables per day is an excellent start to ensure an adequate intake of antioxidants. A few of the better-known antioxidants include carotenoids--the substance that gives fruits and vegetables their deep rich colors. Apricots, broccoli, pumpkin, cantaloupes, spinach, carrots, red bell peppers, and sweet potatoes, are some good choices in addition to lycopene in tomatoes.

    Other examples of antioxidants include, Vitamin C, E, A (which is converted from beta-carotene), and selenium (a mineral).

    Vitamin C - The most abundant water-soluble antioxidant in the body. Acts primarily in cellular fluid. It also helps return vitamin E to its active form. Present in citrus fruits and juices, green peppers, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, kale, cantaloupe, kiwi, and strawberries.

    Vitamin E - d-alpha tocopherol. The most abundant fat-soluble antioxidant in the body.Primary defender against oxidation. Present in nuts, seeds, vegetable and fish oils, whole grains (esp. wheat germ), fortified cereals, and apricots.

    Vitamin A - (Beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A (retinol) by the body) The body will only convert as much vitamin A from beta-carotene that it needs, which makes this a safe source of vitamin A. However, be careful of supplementing with Vitamin A. Too much via supplementation can be toxic.

    Selenium - A trace mineral and a proven antioxidant. The most concentrated food source is in the Brazil nut, which contains about 120 mcg. Seafood and poultry are also good sources, as are grains…especially oats and brown rice. But the amount of selenium in foods depends on how much was in the soil to begin with. With the mineral depletion in the soil today, it is unlikely that you will get too much in your food.

    Adding a rich source of antioxidant foods into your diet will help protect your body from the long-term and cumulative effects of free radical damage. Antioxidants have been shown to protect the body from diseases like cancer, heart disease, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease.

    Vibe has one of the highest antioxidant ratings in the industry!

    To learn about Vibe & begin your journey to health click here!

    Have questions or want to purchase Vibe? Just call me, (Darlene) at 502-363-0101
    and I'll see that you get Vibe at the lowest possible price, just $39.95 per bottle.

    Sunday, October 26, 2008

    Magnesium One of Our Most Essential Minerals!

    Magnesium is an essential mineral (essential for life) that every cell in the body needs. It keeps the nervous system healthy, muscles strong, and forms healthy bones and teeth. It lovers blood pressure and helps protect against cardiovascular disease. However, during our research we learned that up to 80% of Americans are magnesium deficient. Did you hear that! Lets say it again! Eighty percent of American’s are deficient in Magnesium…That’s just one mineral in the diet, but a very important one!

    So why is magnesium so helpful to the body? It’s possible that it could be that magnesium helps the body's cells fend off stress. But magnesium also activates enzymes, and contributes to energy production. If that wasn’t enough, it also helps regulate calcium levels as well as zinc, copper, potassium, vitamin D, and other significant nutrients.

    There are those who believe that it is the lack of magnesium that underlies the epidemic of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and osteoporosis that we see in this country. When a deficiency of magnesium occurs, your heart will beat irregularly, arteries will constrict, and blood pressure will rise. Or you may have muscles spasms, loose bone strength, experience more pain or have blood sugar fluctuations.

    To read the rest of this article click here!

    Learn more about Eniva's Berry Flavored Magnesium!

    Have questions or want to purchase Eniva's Liquid Berry Flavored Magnesium? Just call me, (Darlene) at 502-363-0101
    and I'll see that you get the lowest possible price, just $26.95 per bottle.

    Saturday, October 25, 2008

    Watch These Eniva Videos

    This is Dr. Ben Baechler, the creator of Vibe (and the other Eniva products) when he was on TBN Several Years ago.

    The First Video is his introduction and background: Fundamental to Dr. Baechler's scientific and academic achievements was the influence of intensive study in the area of angiogenesis - a field of science specializing in cellular growth and nutrient factors as related to blood vessel development.

    Watch all 3 short videos to learn more about Dr. Ben and the Eniva products.

    Saturday, October 18, 2008

    Call to Wellness: Regenerative Health 101!

    Today is the day you can begin to learn and take action that will help you to achieve your health and wellness goals. We understand that with this information and knowledge comes power...the power to change your life, the power to heal, the power to find health, energy and happiness again.

    This page is designed to explain some vital concepts about your body and nutrition.

    Welcome to Regenerative Health 101

    Every Sickness & Disease Begins On a Cellular Level

    The human body contains around 80 to 100 TRILLION CELLS! It is an incredibly complex system of resources that is necessary to keep this machine called a human body working. If we are to address any issue in the body or help keep the body functioning, we must learn how to provide our bodies with the necessary resources it needs in the correct form. This all occurs on a cellular level.

    Around 60 million of body cells die and rebuild EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY! To keep this fantastic process going 24 hours a day, we must provide each and every living cell in our bodies 5 specific resources:

    - Minerals
    - Vitamins
    - Oxygen
    - Water
    - Proteins

    The Bloodstream Is the 'River Of Life'

    Our blood circulates through our body for very important reasons, to carry oxygen and other key elements INTO every cell in our body and to carry dead cells, wastes and contaminants OUT OF our body through natural biological processes.

    For the 4 stages of degenerative health click here!

    Thursday, October 16, 2008

    Vibe is an All in One Supplement!

    As you age, the body replaces cells in your organs and tissues. Why, then, are they often not as good as when you were younger? One of the primary answers is STRESS.

    Bodily stress is caused by many things—mental strain, physical exertion, environmental toxins like cigarette smoke and pesticides, even poor diets! Stress can be dangerous because damaging molecules called FREE RADICALS are generated. Free radicals are harmful scavengers created INSIDE your body that cause tremendous harm and accelerate the signs of aging—disrupting body systems, destroying cell membranes, mutating cells, even reprogramming your body’s DNA! However, ANTIOXIDANTS are nature’s way of fighting harmful free radical scavengers.

    Antioxidants convert free radicals into HARMLESS elements and neutralize their damaging effects. VIBE’s ANTIOX2™ blend is a comprehensive formula of MULTIPLE antioxidant-rich nutrients. It has the highest certified antioxidant potency of any supplement in liquid formulation. VIBE’s ANTIOX2™ helps the body neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals to effectively combat the aging process.*
    • Powerful antioxidant capability*
    • Helps the body counteract dangerous free radicals responsible for aging*
    • Nourishes healthy skin and hair*
    • Promotes energy and stamina*
    • Helps the body neutralize harmful environmental toxins*

    Combining multiple and specific anti-aging nutrients, just like adding ingredients to a gourmet meal, requires correct amounts, balanced ratios, and the right mixing techniques. If any one component is out of balance, just like in making a gourmet meal, the end result is disappointing. That is why no other company has been able to perfect a comprehensive ALL-IN-ONE anti-aging supplement. Most companies focus either on one primary ingredient and promote the benefits of that ONE ingredient as a total health answer, OR combine very, very small (and ineffective) amounts of many ingredients to make the label ”look“ good. The end result is a product that delivers very little nutritional benefit.

    At Eniva, we not only market nutritional wellness products, we ARE the researchers, we HAVE on site Class 10,000 R&D laboratories, and we ARE the formulators and manufacturer.

    To learn about Vibe & begin your journey to health click here!

    Have questions or want to purchase Vibe? Just call me, (Darlene) at 502-363-0101
    and I'll see that you get Vibe at the lowest possible price, just $39.95 per bottle.

    Saturday, September 20, 2008

    Co Q10! Essential for a Healthy Heart!

    Coenzyme Q10 (also known as Co-Q10, Vitamin Q or ubiquinone) is a compound that is made naturally in the body. It is also found in all living organisms and most foods contain traces of it as well. The highest amounts are found in the heart, liver, kidneys, and pancreas, with the lowest amounts found in the lungs. It is needed for the proper functioning of enzymes (thus the reason for the name "coenzyme") that are necessary for chemical reactions throughout the body. Coenzymes are a sort of energy sparking catalyst for the cells of the body.

    Our bodies could not survive without energy producing it. It's a necessary nutrient needed for the proper functioning of every cell. Without it we would not have enough cellular energy to fuel the physiological reactions we need to survive. As a powerful antioxidant, it also protects the body from free radical damage that can damage important parts of the cell. Several small studies have even shown a benefit for some cancers, possibly because of its immune enhancing effects.

    The heart requires the most Co-Q10, calling for a constant supply of energy to pump blood throughout the body. Numerous studies have shown that it can support the cardiovascular system when dealing with such issues as mitral valve prolapse, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, irregular heartbeat, angina and high blood pressure.

    Since Coenzyme Q10 assists the body on a cellular level, sufficient stores of this nutrient are needed to fight off illnesses such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and Parkinson's disease. Having enough Co-Q10 ensures that you can retain proper muscle function and overall stamina.

    This important nutrient is easily depleted by stress, age, illness, exercise, and some drugs. Along with blocking the liver mechanism that manufactures cholesterol, cholesterol-lowering drugs, like Lipitor, Zocor and Pravachol (also known as statins) block the production of Coenzyme Q10. Other drugs such as antidepressants and beta blockers also deplete this important nutrient.

    This is essential for the functioning of every cell in our bodies. Again, without it we could not survive. When it drops, so does our cardiovascular health, our immunity and general health. When the levels are boosted, so is our immune systems response. Therefore, taking a look at Co-Q10, may assist you in reversing cardiovascular disease, symptoms of fatigue or generally in enhancing the immune system and fending off disease.

    Eniva's Co-Q-10 is called Q-Plus! It not only contains Co-Q-10 but Vitamin C, Lecithin, and L-Carnatine. Learn more about Eniva's Co-Q-10

    Have questions or want to purchase Eniva's Q-Plus? Just call me, Darlene at 502-363-0101 and I'll see that you get the lowest possible price, just $29.50 per bottle.

    Wednesday, September 17, 2008

    Why Liquid is Best!

    Over the years, nutritional supplements in pill, tablet, and chelate form have been the traditional choice for millions of people. But scientific study has led many people to rethink their supplement choices.

    Vitamins and minerals in TABLET or PILL FORM are poorly absorbed and used by the body. Graphic evidence of this is seen in wastewater treatment plants and outdoor portable toilets across America. Thousands of pounds of undigested pills and tablets, many with name brands still readable, regularly pose a challenge for facility operators. These forms of supplements are ineffectively used by the body – containing nutrient designs made of crushed up rocks, fillers, and binders.


    Looking to nature, we see the perfect design for the ideal nutrient delivery system. Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients are consumed from the soil by plants, then transformed into a water-soluble design that is usable by the human body. No matter what we put into our bodies, the goal is always the same — to make it water-soluble.

    ENIVA VIBE™ is the most comprehensive answer to the body's need for life-giving nutrients. This "all-in-one" supplement provides a convenient, great tasting, economical, and powerful way to receive balanced nutrition for vibrant living. A more complete, proven combination of healthful goodness in liquid design can't be found.

    To learn about Vibe & begin your journey to health click here!

    Have questions or want to purchase Vibe? Just call me, (Darlene) at 502-363-0101
    and I'll see that you get Vibe at the lowest possible price, just $39.95 per bottle.

    Monday, September 15, 2008

    Magnesium One of Our Most Essential Minerals!

    Magnesium is an essential mineral (essential for life) that every cell in the body needs. It keeps the nervous system healthy, muscles strong, and forms healthy bones and teeth. It lovers blood pressure and helps protect against cardiovascular disease. However, during our research we learned that up to 80% of Americans are magnesium deficient. Did you hear that! Lets say it again!! Eighty percent of American’s are deficient in Magnesium…That’s just one mineral in the diet, but a very important one!

    So why is magnesium so helpful to the body? It’s possible that it could be that magnesium helps the body's cells fend off stress. But magnesium also activates enzymes, and contributes to energy production. If that wasn’t enough, it also helps regulate calcium levels as well as zinc, copper, potassium, vitamin D, and other significant nutrients.

    There are those who believe that it is the lack of magnesium that underlies the epidemic of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and osteoporosis that we see in this country. When a deficiency of magnesium occurs, your heart will beat irregularly, arteries will constrict, and blood pressure will rise. Or you may have muscles spasms, loose bone strength, experience more pain or have blood sugar fluctuations.

    Here is just a sampling of the many conditions helped by taking magnesium.

    Anxiety, Aggressive Behavior, Asthma, Constipation, Depression, Diabetes, Dizziness, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Hypoglycemia, Insomnia, Jumpiness, Kidney Disease, Migraines, Muscle Cramps, Nerve problems, Osteoporosis, Panic Attacks, Poor Memory, Stiff and Aching Bone and Joints, and Tooth Decay.

    Foods most likely to contain magnesium are green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds. However, how much magnesium is unknown. Fertilizers used on factory farms depend mostly on phosphorous, nitrogen and potassium. Then again, if the soil is not replenished with magnesium and other minerals and micronutrients the plants may look good but may not be nutrient dense.

    So what do you do?

    Well, of course you should continue to eat those foods high in magnesium…and buy organic if you can. Why? It’s because organic farmers are more likely to use magnesium rich fertilizers. You might consider increasing your magnesium intake by utilizing green drinks and taking magnesium supplements.

    But there is a caution! The recommended ratio of calcium to magnesium is key.

    Our current dietary ratio of calcium to magnesium is 3.5 to 1
    thru 6 to 1. The recommended dietary ratio is 2 to 1. And during our evolutionary or Paleolithic period it was 1 to 1. So you can see that we are headed in the wrong direction, and are generally magnesium deficient, making us prone to illness.

    In order to offset this deficiency and avoid the above listed conditions and others caused by the lack of magnesium, you many want to consider increasing your magnesium intake, by taking one part magnesium to one part calcium in supplemental form for a period of a few months to a year.

    Eating foods that are generally considered high in magnesium is also important, as eating well is key to health. To assist you in this regard…we’ve listed a sampling of these foods.

    Avacodo, Beans, Bananas, Black-eyed peas, Brown Rice, Leafy green vegetables, Legumes, Nuts (exp. Almonds, Walnuts, Hazelnuts), Okra, Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower kernels, Wheat Bran.

    Again…if you are eating these foods yet continue to have any symptoms relating to the above conditions…you might want to consider supplementing with green food sources and magnesium supplements.

    Some highly absorbable and well tolerated sources of magnesium are: chloride, citrate, gluconate, glycinate, lactate, malate, succinate, sulfate, tartrate and taurate. All are very good, ionizable sources of magnesium. Other forms of magnesium such as: oxide, hydroxide, carbonate, stearate, glutamate and aspartate are more likely to be considered useless or dangerous for human consumption.

    Taking addition magnesium may be beneficial to your health, especially when considering how essential this mineral is to the health of your central nervous system, muscles and bones.

    Always check with your doctor before taking supplements!

    Learn more about Eniva's Berry Flavored Magnesium!

    Sunday, September 14, 2008

    Call to Wellness: Regenerative Health 101!

    Today is the day you can begin to learn and take action that will help you to achieve your health and wellness goals. We understand that with this information and knowledge comes power...the power to change your life, the power to heal, the power to find health, energy and happiness again.

    This page is designed to explain some vital concepts about your body and nutrition.

    Welcome to Regenerative Health 101

    Every Sickness & Disease Begins On a Cellular Level

    The human body contains around 80 to 100 TRILLION CELLS! It is an incredibly complex system of resources that is necessary to keep this machine called a human body working. If we are to address any issue in the body or help keep the body functioning, we must learn how to provide our bodies with the necessary resources it needs in the correct form. This all occurs on a cellular level.

    Around 60 million of body cells die and rebuild EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY! To keep this fantastic process going 24 hours a day, we must provide each and every living cell in our bodies 5 specific resources:

    - Minerals
    - Vitamins
    - Oxygen
    - Water
    - Proteins

    The Bloodstream Is the 'River Of Life'

    Our blood circulates through our body for very important reasons, to carry oxygen and other key elements INTO every cell in our body and to carry dead cells, wastes and contaminants OUT OF our body through natural biological processes.

    Because this must occur to keep our trillions of cells alive, the bloodstream is literally the 'River of Life'. It is the messenger which transports the RESOURCES in the form of NUTRIENTS throughout the body. The level of cellular health within the body can be directly traced to the types of resources we consume through food and drink everyday. If we were to look at our cells under a microscope, we could identify many, many 'inferior' dying or mutated cells in people who consume low nutrient or poorly prepared foods. Conversely, we could identify many, many 'superior' health cells in people who consume well-prepared or raw foods high in nutrient value.

    The key is simple; everything you put into your mouth has consequences. What you eat and drink everyday has a direct result reflected in your current health and energy levels. When cellular resources deplete, the aging process begins to accelerate.

    The 4 Stages of 'Degenerative Health

    As we grow older, we often find that we have less energy, we are sick more; issues, re-occurring symptoms, conditions, and often diseases begin to occur more often. Fundamentally, this is a direct result of depleting cell health. We call this condition 'Degenerative health -or- the Aging Process. The 4 Stages of 'Degenerative Health (The Aging Process)

    Stage 1 -Cell Health Depletes
    - No symptoms are visible.
    - You feel fine regardless of what you are eating.
    - Your body is responding to nutritional deficiencies without any symptoms.

    Stage 2 -Organ and Gland Reserves Are Drained
    - Still, no outward symptoms are visible.
    - Internally, your body is working hard to balance cellular resources.
    - Your internal organ cellular health is changing and beginning to mutate.
    - Gland and organ are no longer functioning at a normal level.

    Stage 3 -Microscopic Changes in Living Tissue
    - Sub-clinical symptoms begin to surface - You begin to feel different or worse. Your energy is down.
    - Occasional internal or external pain is occasionally noticed.
    - Gland and organ are now functioning at nominal levels.
    - Worry begins to creep into your conscious thoughts and habits.

    Stage 4 -Macroscopic Changes in Living Tissue
    - Clinical symptoms appear.
    - Disease often sets in and is diagnosed.
    - Many physical and mental challenges begin to surface.
    - Often physical exhaustion and difficulty sleeping occur.
    - Glands and organs are now functioning at low levels.
    - Real fear sets in and people often don't know where to turn.

    Although the above information is accurate and somewhat disturbing, there is always hope.

    Your body CAN regenerate cellular health from Stage 4 (or any other stage) and return to optimal health with RESOURCES and a PLAN.