Good and Bad Cholesterol
Is Cholesterol Good! Yes of course; this soft, waxy substance found in the lipid fats of the bloodstream and in all your body's cells is an essential part of a healthy body; it helps in manufacturing cell membranes and in the production of some types of hormones.
So when does this apparently helpful substance actually pose a threat to your health? When the level of the cholesterol is too high in the blood — a condition known as hypercholesterolemia — it becomes a risk factor for your heart health. A high level of cholesterol in your body is the precursor for the coronary heart disease that ultimately culminates into heart attack.
Types of cholesterol
Depending on the types of lipoprotein--- special carriers that help cholesterols to be transported to and from the cells---the cholesterol can be of two major types:HDL
HDL cholesterol is regarded as the good variety, while the LDL acts as the chief villain. HDL is good because it drives cholesterol away from the arteries and transports them back to the liver which helps it eliminate from the body. In a nutshell a high level of HDL cholesterol acts as a shield against heart attack. So be careful if you find HDL level in your blood is less than 40 mg/dL. (In case of women the amount is 50 mg/dL).
When the level of LDL cholesterol is too high in your blood, it ends in being accumulated in the walls of the arteries carrying blood to two important organs - the heart and brain. The net result is clogging of those arteries by hard plaques made of cholesterol and other substances. This condition is known as atherosclerosis. When the plaque tends to block blood flow to your heart, the result is a heart attack. When the clog disrupts blood flow to the brain, a stroke is the final outcome.
Dealing with CholesterolMost of the people fall prey of the harmful effects of cholesterol because of their lack of awareness. But now that you know the basic facts about cholesterol, don’t let this menace mess with your life. Take necessary precautions and enjoy your life to the fullest.
Ezinearticle expert - bio listed below********************************
Tania Penwell provides information on cholesterol and other health topics for Health Savvy - your guide to health news and information.
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